Case Study: How I Drove 55% Increase in Leads At A Dramatically Reduced CPA.

Case Study: How I Drove 55% Increase in Leads At A Dramatically Reduced CPA.


This established, UK-based real estate business faced the challenge of increasing their leads and reducing their cost per lead. In the competitive real estate industry, attracting qualified leads whilst reducing their CPA was vital to sustain and grow the business. The company sought a strategic solution to enhance their marketing efforts and achieve tangible results in a relatively short time frame.


To address the challenge, I devised and implemented a comprehensive cross-channel marketing strategy. The strategy focused on the following 3 platforms: Google Ads, Microsoft Ads, and Meta. During the 6-month campaign, I devised a strategic approach centered on targeting the most relevant potential customers. 

Google & Microsoft Ads: A thoughtfully crafted search campaign structure was implemented to ensure maximum efficiency. I used the following tactics to generate the best results:

  • Implemented and refined conversion tracking.

  • Introduced a dynamic search campaign to capture any keywords we might not have added, and to leverage Google's dynamic capabilities.

  • A/B tested landing pages.

  • Regularly checked in on ad group and keyword performance, excluding and adding where relevant.

  • Ensured we only use Phrase & Exact keyword match types, although at a later date we introduced Broad match of the top converting keywords which had a positive impact on the campaigns.

  • Check in on SQR so as to regularly update the negative KW list to exclude any irrelevant search terms, and to also add any converting search terms as target keywords to the campaigns.

  • Tweaked the bid strategies to push for optimal results.

  • Monitored the daily budget, increasing where there was potential to increase leads without negatively impacting the CTA.

  • Optimised the Headline & Description ad copy to drive up CTR, especially making best use of dynamic keyword insertion headlines.

Microsoft Ads: I leveraged Microsoft Ads by pulling through the top 5 converting search campaigns dynamically from Google Ads, using only converting keywords, this generated great results whereby we saw cheaper CPAs than on google, though campaigns were more limited by search volumes.

Meta: I implemented a campaign focused on retargeting engaged website visitors, improving the chances of conversion.

Results: Google Ads

The results below show how performance increased in the latter 3 months VS the first. I was able to increase the number of leads generated at a reduced CPA, whilst maintaining a strong CTR, double that of the industry standard.

Leads Generated: Increased by 55% (77 conversions) up to 218.

Average CPC : Dropped by 17% (£0.19) down to £0.90.

Cost Per Lead: Decreased by 26% (£39) to £112.

The data below shows how my optimisations led to an increase in conversions across each campaign, a decrease in cost per conversion in each campaign, and an increased conversion rate. CPCs also reduced in all but 1 campaign.

The strategic targeting of relevant customers, dynamic search campaigns, and optimised campaign structure led to the substantial growth in qualified leads. Moreover, the simultaneous focus on building brand awareness through Google display ads and retargeting on Meta further enhanced the campaign's impact. The results also strengthened the business's position in the competitive real estate industry.

Get in touch

If your organisation wishes to implement steady growth and achieve greatness with paid advertising, don't hesitate to get in touch.